October 29, 2019

Nebraska property taxes are the tenth highest in the United States, sales taxes are the ninth-lowest, and both income taxes and total state taxes are in the middle. Property taxes account for 38% of total state and local tax collections in Nebraska, the highest of any tax. Sales taxes are 29% of total tax collections, and income taxes are 26%. If property taxes, sales taxes and income taxes were equalized as sources of state and local revenue, property taxes would need to be reduced over $600 million.

Want to know more about Nebraska’s tax situation? see below for a link to the full article by Dave Aiken, Department of Agricultural Economics Professor at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.

J. David Aiken, Professor
Water & Agricultural Law Specialist
Department of Agricultural Economics
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
[email protected]

Property Tax Issues News

Department of Agricultural Economics | University of NE – Lincoln